How To Prepare to Move Into an Assisted Living Facility


Before you or your loved one moves into an Assisted Living Facility, everyone involved needs to know what to expect. Sharing the move-in plans and timetable with your loved one or loved ones can take some of the uncertainty away.  Therefore, make sure that everyone involved knows when to start packing, when the move will occur, and when you’ll come to your loved one’s new home to help with the transition.

  1. Set Firm Dates

Set firm dates for the day of the move for you and/or for your loved one.

Create a calendar to share with your loved ones and others involved in the move.  This way everyone will be supportive of your move and you or your loved one will have a supportive system around them so that they are not by themselves during this transition.

  1. Decluttering and Downsizing

The first thing to do is think of downsizing.

This will involve letting go of a lot of items throughout the home, and deciding which ones to take with them.

Set a date for when this activity will be done, so that you have others helping with this process, as it is not an easy one, emotionally and physically.

For the dates/days set to do the decluttering and downsizing, sort out the items you or your loved one will be taking with them, and which ones they will be letting go of.

Packing is stressful no matter how you look at it. Take it slow (and start early, if that’s what it takes) to make things easier on your parent, friend or family member. Remember that your loved one’s participation can help him or her feel in control, which can minimize anxiety and quell nervousness about the big move – but also remember that this is a big job, and too much at once can be overwhelming.

  1. Handle the Paperwork

You may need to change yours or your loved one’s address, transfer utilities to someone else’s name, or finalize registration at your or your loved one’s Assisted Living Facility. Make sure you tackle each of these issues early so you’re not scrambling later.  This way when it is time for the move to the Facility, all your paperwork was taken care of.  It will be an easy move-in and not stressed out by completing or working on paperwork.

  1. After the Move

Adjusting to a new environment, particularly if it’s a lot different than your own home can take weeks or months. Your loved one needs plenty of time to settle in, get to know people (including caregivers) and start to feel at home.  So do not try to rush the process. Everyone reacts differently; where one person may feel relief at not having to maintain a big house alone, another might feel a little lost and miss their home, friends and belongings.

  1. Make Memories and Continuity is a Priority

Find a shelf, cabinet or drawer where you can place or put family pictures or memorabilia that you or your loved one can easily access.  These can be framed family pictures, photo albums and/or other mementos. Hang his or her favorite pieces of art on the walls, and try to set up the space so it’s comfortable and homey. If your loved one has a favorite recliner, a family heirloom or other important items, make room for them in their new Apartment home.

Watch this short video that shows some highlights about Smithfield Gardens Assisted Livinghere.

Should you have any questions about Smithfield Gardens, know that we want to support you on this journey of your life. Feel free to send us a message to: or call us at: 203-888-1835 and we will gladly respond to your inquiries.

Thank you for your interest in Smithfield Gardens Assisted Living and our services.  We hope you or your loved one gets to live here at the Smithfield Gardens.  You will have made a great decision! Look forward to meeting you or hearing back from you.